Wellness Exams

General Wellness Exams

Just like your annual trip to the doctor, your pet deserves the same access to quality care.

In a Wellness exam, there will be a physical examination of your pet, a few questions on the history of your pet’s eating habits, activity levels, bathroom habits, behavioral habits etc.

If there is an issue we will discuss a diagnostic plan which could include more examinations, medication and screenings of any sort.

We do not support declawing cats for behavioral reasons. We will remove injured claws only if its an emergency/medical purpose.

Parasite Screening / Prevention

Ticks and fleas are a frequent concern for pet owners and Vets in The Bahamas.

We recommend that you check your pets daily to see if these external parasites are present.

If you find any of these parasites on your pet we recommend that you come into the practice to purchase one of our products that is quite effective in killing them.

Even if they are not present, we recommend you maintain your pet on these products.

It is important to eradicate these pests which can transmit diseases to your pets.

Get Involved

Adopt a dog or volunteer at our local shelter.